So far there have been eight companies in this building. Each company has done something unique to the building and left its mark. The next company is no different. Enchanted Sand Castles moved out in 2016, leaving the back part of the space open. That is when Chris Bley of Insight Up Solutions moved in. Chris is a visionary entrepreneur who has started a few, successful companies. Chris took over the back part of the building, putting one of his companies, InspecTools, in and letting them do R&D work in the space. He then proceeded to lease the entire from MBA and sub-leased a room to Saber Knives. |
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When Saber Knives was sold partway through 2017, he put his other startup company, AirSpace Integration, in the front section of the building. Currently InspecTools used the back areas of the building to do R&D work and testing. The front part of the building is used by AirSpace Integration as a coworking hub where members can work together to pursue innovation. Some of ASI's members include DJI, Fruity Chutes, Camp Six Labs, and more. ASI now has outdoor testing areas for booking where people can come and bring their ideas to life. Chris has brought this building to life and has created an environment that is conducive to learning and innovation. |
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